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YANG Sen 楊森
PhD, University of California at San Diego
Associate Professor
FULL CV | Personal Home Page
Tel 2358 7981
Fax 2358 1652
Email phsyang
Office Room 4477
Dr. Sen Yang received his Bachelor's degree in Physics at Tsinghua University in Beijing (2002), and Ph.D. in Physics at the University of California, San Diego (2009). He did Postdoc researches in University of Texas at Austin and University of Stuttgart. From 2016-2021, he was an assistant professor in the department of physics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 2021, he works as an associate professor in the department of physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

His research interest is solid state optics and quantum optics based on solid state qubits, and in particular developing quantum information technologies with color centers such as nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. The group has been working on using those qubits to sense quantum physics in various systems, as well as building quantum information devices. They are also developing novel direct laser writing fabrication technologies.

Research Areas
Solid state quantum information, quantum optics based on color center in diamond, nanofabrication, direct laser writing.
Representative Publications
• Y.F. Chen, S.F. Hung, W. K. Lo, Y. Chen, Y. Shen, K. Kafenda, J. Su, K. Xia, and Sen Yang, A universal method for depositing patterned materials in-situ, Nature Communications 11, 5334 (2020)

• Kin On Ho, Man Yin Leung, Yaxin Jiang, Kin Pong Ao, Wei Zhang, King Yau Yip, Yiu Yung Pang, King Cho Wong, Swee K. Goh, Sen Yang, Probing Local Pressure Environment in Anvil Cells with Nitrogen-Vacancy (N-V−) Centers in Diamond, Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024041 (2020).

• King Yau Yip, Kin On Ho, King Yiu Yu, Yang Chen, Wei Zhang, S. Kasahara, Y. Mizukami, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, Swee K. Goh, Sen Yang, Measuring magnetic field texture in correlated electron systems under extreme conditions, Science 366, 1355 (2019)

• Sen Yang, Ya Wang, D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, Thai Hien Tran, S. Ali Momenzadeh, M. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, Ping Wang, Wen Yang, Rainer Stoehr, Philipp Neumann, Hideo Kosaka, Joerg Wrachtrup, High-fidelity transfer and storage of photon states in a single nuclear spin, Nature Photonics 10, 507–511 (2016)

• Sen Yang, A.T. Hammack, M.M. Fogler, L.V. Butov, and A.C. Gossard, Coherence Length of Cold Exciton Gases in Coupled Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 187402 (2006)